Is Your Website Producing The Results You Want?

The way to get your website included in search engine results is different than it was in the past. In fact, it can be so difficult to get your website to come up in the searches you desire, that the term SEO (search engine optimization) has become a separate field and an art form in itself. Fortunately if your website was developed by TAC, your site is already technically optimized for search engines to properly read your content and for optimal speed and easy-to-use navigation. But to fully take advantage of your website on the Internet, TAC can expand your optimization and incorporate features that can take your website results to the next level and beyond.

Once your website is optimized, the best way to get quality traffic and action going is to advertise on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, and social media like Facebook or YouTube. Advertising on search engines and social media is called PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising. PPC advertising is the most accountable form of advertising ever! TAC has decades of advertising and Internet experience to put to work for your PPC advertising and get results!

TAC can help make your website the most result oriented and cost effective marketing tool your company has ever seen. Good results can be achieved incorporating the following two important processes.

Website Search Engine Optimization – SEO

Website optimization is just good practice whether you are trying to improve your generic ranking on Internet search engines or improve the results of an online advertising campaign.

There are many factors that determine your ranking on search engines when searching under different terms, key words or phrases. Optimizing the website’s meta tags, headers, key words, content, technology, layout, programming and other factors can all effect results, and can improve your ranking if done properly.

In addition, if your company does advertising on search engines like, you will be competing against other advertisers on the amount of times your ad is seen, for each specific key words and phrases, and on the price you pay per click. Because sites like Google use current rankings data and destination links in determining when and where your ads are shown, optimizing your website can increase the results and lower the cost of your online advertising. This is especially true when optimized intentionally and specifically to compliment your online advertising goals.

TAC can optimize your current website, or incorporate proper optimization practices in developing a new website, to make sure your website is getting your company the results it deserves.

TAC SEO service includes:

  • Adding or editing unique customized meta tag programming on all your website pages.
  • Install new unique customized title and heading text on all pages
  • Editing of content to reflect key words.
  • Install custom site index and robots files for search engines.
  • Setup, verify and submit website with Google Webmaster account.
  • Setup and verify Google Analytics account and add analytics code to all pertinent pages in website.
  • Review and edit as needed all java, css or other scripts running on your website.
  • Address problems of browsers that don’t see flash animation or other not supported technology.

Download our SEO flyer: PDF PDF, 292 k

Website Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

There’s an art to developing, implementing and maintaining a good result oriented pay per click (PPC) advertising campaign on search engines like Google. The difference between how your ad performs verses how your competitors’ ads perform can depend on the experience and creativity of the person or company running your pay per click campaign.

TAC has a unique position in it’s ability to provide result oriented campaigns because it can draw on it’s many decades of experience in traditional advertising mediums, a long history and experience with Internet technology, and ad savvy creativity to resolve issues that online advertisers are faced with in PPC marketing.

PPC advertising has many advantages over traditional media, including:

  • Any size budget
  • Geographic targeting
  • Target key words and/or phrases
  • Any length campaign
  • Many networks available, Google, Yahoo, Bing, social media and more.

TAC pay per click advertising service includes:

  • Setup of pay per click account(s).
  • Identification and research on desired key words.
  • Formulation of ads and ad options to generate good ad frequency and quality score.
  • Constant monitoring and adjusting of key words, ads, bid rates and options to maintain and improve on quality score and results.
  • Continual reporting and analysis of traffic and PPC statistics.

Download our PPC flyer: PDF PDF, 288 k

Contact TAC today to find out how your company can benefit from TAC’s experience and get more out of your advertising dollar.


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